

Jon Cohen



Interactive Materials

Version 0.2.0
You may need to enable the chrome flag chrome://flags/#enable-es3-apis if you are on chrome.
Also, if you are running on older graphics hardware, the shaders might just not compile, and give you a nasty pink box
There are no textures in this example (save for the UI).
Everything is created using procedurally shaders and configured using material parameters.


Rotate the camera by right-clicking and dragging in the 3d view area
Zoom in and out with the scroll wheel
Click the buttons in the top to change meshes or materials.
Use the slider and text field controls below to change the properties of the material.
Each Kind of material has its own property list.
Properties such as '_Iterations' and '_Octaves' have a big effect on the resulting quality
'_Seed' can be used to generate many variations of the same texture

Created by Jonathan Cohen, 2017-2019
Some of the effects are ports/modified adaptations of formulas discovered. Their original creators can be found below.
StarNest is an adaptation of the effect by Pablo Román Andrioli or 'Kali' Here.
My variation of this effect is as a skybox, using the look vector of the camera, rather than a surface, using a fixed look vector for every pixel.
VTech is an adaptation of the Digital Brain effect by struss Here.
My variation of this effect uses 3d noise, rather than 2d noise.

I ported/modified the code of the effects listed above. All other effects (Bricks, Camo, Moon, Lumpy, Marble) were entirely created by me.
Technical details of how I made these effects can be found Here.